About Me

I'm Amy - a wife, mum, enthusiastic baker and peanut butter addict living in Melbourne.
We had baby Annabelle in February this year. She was born on my parents wedding anniversary. 
Pre-baby, I would bake at least once a week and loved having people over for dinner and drinks. As I am sure many mums understand, pre-baby I had a lot more time on my hands and the luxury of being able to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Our house was a lot cleaner too! Nowadays I still bake but its more likely for a special occasion such as a friends wedding or baby shower, or a simple banana bread or cookies. And while for now, dinner parties are a thing of the past, I still enjoy cooking for my husband, friends and family, and more recently, our baby who has just started solids.
This blog will help my keep track of my baking adventures and my baby Annabelles developing taste buds as she starts tasting new foods. As someone interested in healthy living, my aim is to prepare Annabelles food myself to ensure the majority of what she is eating is fresh and minimally processed. 
This blog is a place where I can house my baking, cake decorating and kid-friendly cooking all in one place :-)

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